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Smart Workplace
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Intranet implementation using Mozzaik365

Intranet implementation using the SharePoint Online solution

Implementation of a LumApps intranet

Solution & expertise

The Smart Employee Platform offering is designed to help you build your next-generation work experience, utilizing cutting-edge tools with AI capabilities to promote autonomy and enhance your employees' efficiency.

Our Workplace experts collaborate closely with our designers and developers to create a tailored employee experience that aligns with your specific needs. We deliver customized solutions: designing complete intranets in partnership with your teams or enhancing existing ones within your company.

Our promise is to transform and accelerate work methods, learning processes, collaboration, and discovery endeavors.

Context & challenges

The volume of information shared among colleagues has reached unprecedented levels, accompanied by a proliferation of applications. Today's Smart Workplace must streamline information access, identify and eliminate team inefficiencies, and enhance user experience to facilitate technology adoption.

In this scenario, the intranet emerges as the central hub for accessing vital company information. It reduces the channels needed on a daily basis, becoming the reference point for employees directing their focus towards essentials. Our strategy involves enriching the collaborative platform experience to mirror a comprehensive website, integrating interactive features like wikis, blogs, and social networks.

Our solution is bolstered by innovative partners who elevate the collaboration experience through design and customization, transcending the basic functionalities of a collaborative platform. Furthermore, these tools are empowered by AI, enhancing content delivery and simplifying information retrieval.

While prioritizing accessibility for remote and hybrid work, safeguarding company data remains of utmost importance. Ensuring secure access to information is fundamental to our approach.

Smart Workplace Manager

Sihem Fayard

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Employee involvement and interaction are pivotal for fostering collaboration and productivity within teams. The modern intranet serves as the cornerstone of this endeavor, integrating interactive applications that enable seamless access to information and cultivate a sense of belonging among employees.

Designing a Customized Employee Experience to Drive Learning, Adoption, and Collaboration

Smart Employee Platform

Smart Workplace

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